Year 2 – Polar Bears

Art polar bear clipart kid -

Welcome to Year 2 and Polar Bear Class!

My name is Mrs Monks and I am the class teacher for four days a week in Polar Bear class.

Miss Copp is the class teacher on a Tuesday and we also have three teaching assistants in our class called Mrs Perkins, Mrs Day and Mrs Slater.

Summer Term

This term, we will continue with English tasks based on ‘Masha and the Firebird’ and are looking forward to sharing what we have learned so far in our Class Assembly!

We will then move on to the text ‘Leaf’ and write diary entries for the main character.

We will be writing poems based on the 4 Elements (Air, Fire, Earth and Water) and will add music for a performance. We will learn about Life cycles in Science and visit a Butterfly Farm for a class trip!

We will be learning about mass, capacity and temperature in Maths and then move on to fractions, time and movement and position. We will also continue to learn our times tables and have a weekly test!

We will create some collages in art and work on our sewing skills in DT by making puppets!

Stuck | Oliver Jeffers Book | In-Stock - Buy Now | at Mighty Ape NZ

Our first English text last term was ‘Stuck’ by Oliver Jeffers. We explored the vocabulary in the text, sequenced events, made predictions and wrote our own story endings.

We then moved on to ‘Masha and the Firebird’ which we will continue next term. So far, we have written descriptions of the characters and acted out / retold the story. 

Masha And The Firebird - Alanna Max - Margaret Bateson-Hill

In DT we investigated levers and sliders and created some moving pictures based on the illustrations in the text.

In Maths, we learned to solve problems involving money and started to multiply and divide.

Our Art and Geography lessons were linked to Jamaica. We compared and contrasted locations and made our own Jamaican prints. 

Our first topic this year was ‘Meerkat Mail’ and was based on the book of the same name by Emily Gravett.

We explored the story, wrote letters and described different settings. We also explored different habitats and located them around the world.

Excitingly, we went on a trip to ‘All Things Wild’ to meet the meerkats and find out more about where animals live and what they need to survive. We had a really exciting day!

We looked at portraits in our Art lessons, and in DT we designed, made, ate and evaluated pizzas!

Places Available
From September, we currently have places available in Reception and Years 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. Please join us on Tuesday 8th October for our Open Morning, from 9am. You will be able to look round the school, see classes in action and have a chat and ask questions over coffee and cake. If you'd like to find out more, please contact us on 01386 830462.
Places Available
We currently have places available in Reception and Years 1, 4 and 5; and we have Reception places available for September 2024. If you'd like to find out more, please contact us on 01386 830462.