Pupil & Sports Premium

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is an individually allocated sum of money which is devolved to schools directly by the Department for Education (DfE).

It is to be used to strategically target provision for children from low-income and other disadvantaged families to ensure that there is no difference in attainment between them and their peers.

A child who has a parent in the Armed Forces is also eligible for PPG.

The grant can be used very widely to provide support for children. For example, to enable them to attend educational visits and to facilitate a smooth transfer between schools.

Click here to view our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-2024.

Sports Premium

We recognise the contribution of PE to the health and well-being of our children. We believe that an innovative, varied PE curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of all our children.

The government provides funding each academic year for PE and sports. Money goes directly to primary school headteachers to spend on improving the quality of PE and sports for all their children.

Schools have to spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but have the freedom to choose how they do this.

Click here for the government’s guidance on PE and sport premium for primary schools.

Places Available
From September, we currently have places available in Reception and Years 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. Please join us on Tuesday 8th October for our Open Morning, from 9am. You will be able to look round the school, see classes in action and have a chat and ask questions over coffee and cake. If you'd like to find out more, please contact us on 01386 830462.
Places Available
We currently have places available in Reception and Years 1, 4 and 5; and we have Reception places available for September 2024. If you'd like to find out more, please contact us on 01386 830462.