Clubs & Sports

At Honeybourne, we feel that the extra-curricular provision is integral for the happiness and wellbeing of our children. Our extra-curricular clubs encourage the children to be sociable and confident, where mixing with existing friends in a new environment helps children learn to share and appreciate each other’s talents and abilities.

We think that our after-school/ lunch clubs play a huge part in developing the children’s academic ability and also foster a nurturing environment where the children feel safe and happy.

The majority of sports clubs are led by Empower Active:

  • Football
  • Hockey
  • Multi skills
  • Dodgeball
  • Archery
  • Netball
  • And lot’s more!

With the addition of choir, recorders, art, drama and construction being led by our committed staff.

Places Available
From September, we currently have places available in Reception and Years 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. Please join us on Tuesday 8th October for our Open Morning, from 9am. You will be able to look round the school, see classes in action and have a chat and ask questions over coffee and cake. If you'd like to find out more, please contact us on 01386 830462.
Places Available
We currently have places available in Reception and Years 1, 4 and 5; and we have Reception places available for September 2024. If you'd like to find out more, please contact us on 01386 830462.