Year 1 – Pandas

Welcome to Panda class with Mrs Monks and Miss Fisher (Class Teachers) and Miss Perkins, Miss Tranter, Mrs Williamson and Mrs Richardson (Classroom Support Professionals).



For the first few weeks our learning is going to be based around the book ‘Our Class is a Family’. We will be sharing the story, talking about our families and creating story maps to go with the text. We will be looking at key vocab and learning the importance of these words. The key outcome of this unit will be to write simple sentences, beginning to apply capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and focusing on phonics skills.

In our English lessons we are basing our learning on the book ‘Room on the Broom’.

We will be fully immersing ourselves into the story by carrying out role play sessions, going on word hunts and hot seating.

Throughout this half term we will be writing our own character description on the witch, learning what adjectives are and how to write them to create an effective sentence.

We will be designing our own witch’s potion and then looking at list writing.

We will be writing captions about the different characters and will do a lot of work including capital letters, full stops and fingers spaces, to ensure our sentences have a strong base.

At the end of this unit we will be retelling the story and writing our own retell using all the objectives taught.


In our Maths lessons we will be looking at place value within 10. We will be recognising numbers as words, look at 1 more and 1 less, counting forward and backwards, comparing groups and learning about fewer, more and the same. We will also be frequently using the vocabularly ‘less than’, ‘greater than’ and ‘equal to’, to compare different amounts.

We will then move onto looking at addition and subtraction within 10 and how we can work out number sentences using a range of different ways.


In Science, we will be observing the different seasons. This will consist of some school field work and using our identifying skills.


In Geography, we will be looking at where our school is in relation to the whole world and where we live. We will be learning about how the United Kingdom contains four different countries and will be learning about the different continents.


In Art we will be creating our own self-portraits and will be practising using different types of lines.


In PSHE, we will be looking at families and friendships. We will be looking at what makes a good friend and how to recognise other people’s emotions and how we can work together to help to sort out friendship problems.


In PE, we will be working in collaboration to complete team building games. We will be practicing our balancing, hopping, jumping, running, skipping and co-ordination skills in a range of different ways.


In Music, we are looking at the pulse and rhythm of a range of songs, practicing using our voices and a range of instruments.


In Computing, we will be looking at how to use the internet safely.