Year 1 – Pandas

Welcome to Panda class with Miss Fisher (Class Teacher) and Mrs Pearson (Classroom Support Professional).



In our English lessons our learning will be based around the book ‘The Night Pirates’.

We will be creating our own pirate maps and will then go onto writing instructions of the process.

We will be practicing our sentence writing often, remembering our capital letters, full stops and finger spaces, using adjectives and nouns to make our sentences ‘more interesting’.

Throughout the learning of this book we will be creating our own narratives of the adventure Tom will go on, using own own ideas and imagination.

Our learning will take us onto summarising the story and creating an information text on pirates


In our Math’s lessons we will be looking at Multiplication and Division, working on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We will then be moving onto working on halving and quartering items and different quantities. We will then be finishing off the Summer term working on money and time.

Foundation Subjects

In Science we will be looking at seasonal changes, particularly the changes that occur in Winter time.

In History we will be learning about ‘Amelia Earhart’ and why she is a significant person.

In our DT lessons we will be creating a structure and mechanism using wheels and axels.

In our Computing lessons we will be programming beebots.

In Music we will be learning about pitch and tempo and then performing our musical creations.

In our PE lessons we will be taking part in Target Games and Net and Wall Games.

In RE lessons we will be learning about Christianity – ‘Who do Christians say made the world?’

In our PSHE lessons we will be learning about Citizenship and caring for others.



In our English lessons our learning will be based around the book ‘Space Tortoise’.

We will be looking at adjectives and nouns, creating our own effective setting descriptions, using the images from the book.

We will be practicing our sentence writing often, remembering our capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

Throughout the learning of this book we will be looking at the sequence of Tortoise’s journey and will then go onto writing a diary entry. We will be focusing on Tortoise’s feelings, his motivation and the settings he went through to reach the ‘rocket’.


In our Maths lessons we will be working on place value of numbers within 20. We will be using number lines to support our workings, using estimating skills and comparing. We will then go onto addition and subtraction within 20 and use a range of concrete resources to support our answers.

Foundation subjects

In Science we will be looking at seasonal changes, particularly the changes that occur in Winter time.

In Geography we will be learning in-depth about Antarctica and comparing it to where we live.

In our Art lessons we will be learning about the Artist ‘Megan Coyle’, who creates a range of art work using collage media.

In our Computing lessons we will be learning about Algorithms, unplugged, what they are and what they do.

In Music we will be learning about the tempo of music and performing our own rhymes to the class using instruments and our voices.

In our PE lessons we are working on ball skills, keeping control of the ball using our hands and feet and sending and receiving skills.

In RE lessons we will be learning about Judaism.

In our PSHE lessons we will be learning about safety- how we can keep ourselves safe.



In our English lessons we are basing our learning on the book ‘Room on the Broom’.

We will be fully immersing ourselves into the story by carrying out role play sessions, going on word hunts and hot seating.

Throughout this half term we will be writing our own character description on the witch, learning what adjectives are and how to write them to create an effective sentence.

We will be designing our own witch’s potion and then looking at list writing.

We will be writing captions about the different characters and will do a lot of work including capital letters, full stops and fingers spaces, to ensure our sentences have a strong base.

At the end of this unit we will be retelling the story and writing our own retell using all the objectives taught.


In our Maths lessons we will be looking at place value within 10. We will be recognising numbers as words, look at 1 more and 1 less, counting forward and backwards, comparing groups and learning about fewer, more and the same. We will also be frequently using the vocabularly ‘less than’, ‘greater than’ and ‘equal to’, to compare different amounts.

We will then move onto looking at addition and subtraction within 10 and how we can work out number sentences using a range of different ways.


In Science, we will be observing the different seasons. This will consist of some school field work and using our identifying skills.


In Geography, we will be looking at where our school is in relation to the whole world and where we live. We will be learning about how the United Kingdom contains four different countries and will be learning about the different continents.


In Art we will be creating our own self-portraits and will be practising using different types of lines.


In PSHE, we will be looking at families and friendships. We will be looking at what makes a good friend and how to recognise other people’s emotions and how we can work together to help to sort out friendship problems.


In PE, we will be working in collaboration to complete team building games. We will be practicing our balancing, hopping, jumping, running, skipping and co-ordination skills in a range of different ways.


In Music, we are looking at the pulse and rhythm of a range of songs, practicing using our voices and a range of instruments.


In Computing, we will be looking at how to use the internet safely.

Places Available
From September, we currently have places available in Reception and Years 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. Please join us on Tuesday 8th October for our Open Morning, from 9am. You will be able to look round the school, see classes in action and have a chat and ask questions over coffee and cake. If you'd like to find out more, please contact us on 01386 830462.
Places Available
We currently have places available in Reception and Years 1, 4 and 5; and we have Reception places available for September 2024. If you'd like to find out more, please contact us on 01386 830462.