Peer mentors play an important role in helping other pupils to settle in, build positive relationships and get the most out of school life.
“To be peer accountable has a far greater impact on some young people than the disapproval of an adult in authority” – The Mentoring & Befriending Foundation
Peer mentoring is a proven, pupil-led programme already being used in thousands of primary, secondary and special schools throughout the UK. Sustainable and effective, it can be used to support transition, attainment, attendance, behaviour and it can also help address issues of bullying.
Research has shown that young people predominantly turn to their peers when facing difficulties rather than adults. A peer mentoring programme does not replace the role of professionals and adults in the young person’s environment, it does however provide an invaluable support mechanism for young people experiencing difficulties or who are in need of some advice, particularly for those who feel uncomfortable or nervous about speaking to an adult.
Our peer mentors have formed a safeguarding committee and meet regularly to discuss supporting others and other areas of keeping children safe in school. They decided one area was to meet children at the gate every morning and care for those who needed some extra support coming into school. This has been incredibly successful with parents, staff and pupils.
They have also reviewed health and safety around the school and made recommendations that have now been actioned.